When fashion and technology meet
We has the chance to sit in on a panel at last weeks Digital Life in NYC. The panel was about the convergence of fashion and technology. And while this might seem like a new trend it's really old hat. In Japan your cellphone defines who you are. But we here in the US have been content for to long with carrying the same ole' plastic generic looking phone and not having any style to ourselves at all. And it seems like only recently have the cell phone makers started trying to get funkier with us with the cellphone designs. We now have all types of colors, sizes, screens, stickers, charms, carrying cases, and wallpapers. And recent stats have shown that kids are more then willing to spend more then $2 on the personalization of their cellphone. It's a trent that many companies are itting up and taking notice to because it's more money then the $.99 download from Itunes. One company was at digital life show how they have molded suede until notebooks and cellphones. They sell a process to companies and the matarials and during the creation of the cellphone the hot plastic and suded bond together. IT looked really hot! So you can just imagine what's going to be coming from the cellphone companies in the future. T-Mobile seems to be the first breaking out of their generic design and offeering limited edition Sidekicks II's. So the future of fashion and technology will be a happy marriage.
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